We get a lot of requests for the ability to do “dynamic routing”. RouteNGN was built to be extremely flexible and capable of fast dynamic changes. However, we didn’t build the dynamic AI directly into RouteNGN.
Our philosophy is that customer’s needs are far too diverse to solve in one place. Instead, we think of RouteNGN as the platform that can implement each customer’s unique dynamic strategies. So, how does a customer cause the RouteNGN platform to act on their dynamic strategies? The API, duh.
In this series I’m going show you how to make dynamic routing changes step by step.
What is dynamic automated SIP routing?
First we should start off by explaining what “dynamic routing” is. Dynamic routing is call specific route determination. All available routes are looked up and prioritized on a call-by-call basis. Dynamic routing is superior to static routing in that changes to route attributes and route priorities changes happen instantaneously and precisely. Static routing systems require large amounts of time and resources to make minor changes to routing logic.
Why is it so difficult?
Simply gathering and analyzing available routing possibilities is a difficult task in itself. Determining a route’s quality, cost, availability, and requirements is difficult. Technological and organizational hurdles a extremely common. Even more difficult is being able to effectively make use of a route’s strengths while accounting for its weaknesses.
Some of the difficulties include:
- Data gathering and analysis
- Routing requirements gathering
- Technical requirements
- Personnel requirements
- Data integrity
- Dynamic change integrity (making poor automated decisions)
- Dynamic change propagation time
- Dynamic change target granularity (does the customization need to be on the Customer or Vendor at the Country or City or NPANXX level?)
- Dynamic change accounting
- Accounting for cost
- Determination of the changes time to live
What sort of problems can be solved with automated RouteNGN changes?
- Outbound flooding
- Inbound flooding
- Vendor quality
- Vendor commitments
- Customer credit limits
- Detected fraud handling
What automated actions can RouteNGN provide?
- Origination or Destination whitelisting
- Origination or Destination blacklisting
- Outgoing route addition/removal
- Incoming quality adjustments
- Custom tailored route choice ordering
- Many others
What do I need to get started?
- A RouteNGN account with API key
- A *nix based machine