Add Slinger to Your Homepage

Do you want to direct your customers to your web site to retrieve their call detail records?   Sure you do.  Just paste this code onto any page on your website and it will allow your customers to log into your custom branded Slinger portal.

<form action=. id=.new_user_session.>
<input id=.user_session_email. name=.user_session[email]. onblur=.textfieldStyleSwap(this, .#F5F5F5.);. onfocus=.textfieldStyleSwap(this, .#ffffff.);. size=.30. type=.text. />    </li>
<input id=.user_session_password. name=.user_session[password]. onblur=.textfieldStyleSwap(this, .#F5F5F5.);. onfocus=.textfieldStyleSwap(this, .#ffffff.);. size=.30. type=.password. />    </li>
<input id=.user-submit. name=.commit. type=.submit. value=.Login. />    </li>