IceHook Systems

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RouteNGN 1.0.20 Enhancements

We are rolling out a slew of new features in the latest RouteNGN upgrade. They will provide additional flexibility and functionality, while increasing overall performance and stability.

Additional Pre-translations Options:

Users will now be able to use a template to “pre-pend” digits or characters to invites on the ANI, DN, or RN, individually. Additionally, users can now use the regex template to manipulate the LRN after it is returned from a query.

One of the main drivers of this change is to properly “jurisdictionalize” calls. Often times ANIs can come in with or without a 1. It is important that a call has ANI and DN in the same format in order for the system to properly handle inter-state, intra-state, and local calls.

Additional Redirect Template Options

Users can now add the following information to a redirect message:

  • Inbound minimum duration

  • Outbound minimum duration

  • Inbound endpoint group currency

  • Dynamic Q-values

  • Dynamic Contact Index (Contact Index is an integer representing the route order number, with 1 being the first route, and so on)

Additional Routing Options

Finally, we have added a new routing algorithm. Percentage-by-weight, which allows users to easily balance vendors by dialed digits and/or LATA/OCN. This algorithm will still allow users to enforce profitability and/or quality rules set on the Inbound Endpoint Groups.